EDE personnel's experience spans the entire history of chemical demilitarization (demil) from the M34 cluster bomb disposal in the 1960's, up to the current disposal plants. EDE professionals were the original designers of the prototype equipment developed for the United States Chemical Demilitarization program. We provide engineering services to CAMDS, TOCDF, and Pine Bluff. Our technical work has included M-55 rocket segmenting, pull apart machines, chemical agent removal, energetics disposal, and agent contaminated ventilation control.
EDE developed an improved Pressure Test and Relief Device (PTRD) to protect operators when removing replacement plugs in chemical agent storage ton containers. The pressure chamber allows operators to introduce pressure into the ton container preventing any pressurized chemical agent from spraying out during plug removal.
M55 Rocket Washout
A team of companies including Ralph M. Parsons received a contract to design, install, and operate the demil plant to treat and dispose of all chemical munitions stored at Blue Grass Arsenal, Kentucky. This process is unique in that it does not use incineration as the primary treatment technology. EDE was tasked to develop equipment and methodology to successfully punch the M55 rocket cavity containing chemical agents and drain the agent from the rocket cavity. EDE expanded upon existing technology, and developed a system that could washout rocket cavities of gelled and crystalized agent. The demonstration project was successful with over 98% of the agent being removed, which exceeded the design requirements.
EDE provided consulting and engineering design services to the Tooele Chemical Demil Facility (TOCDF) and prototype demil facility in Utah (CAMDS). This work included equipment design, pollution abatement evaluation, instrumentation, controls, and disposal procedures.
EDE was a key member of the Parsons Russian Chemical Demil team in assisting the Russians with the design of their first chemical demil facility at Shchuch'ye, Kurgan Oblast, Russia, by providing demil equipment design review and actual equipment design of material handling equipment.