EDE has performed all types
of air modeling for Environmental Assessments, Environmental Impact Statements, and RCRA Part B & Subpart X requirements. Besides using public and EPA models, EDE has developed and
validated a proprietary air dispersion model, the Products of Combustion/Atmospheric Dispersion (PCAD) computer model. For the development of this model, EDE received the national Tibbets Award
and was featured by the U.S. Navy in their compilation of SBIR success stories. The PCAD model combines combustion, plume rise, and dispersion algorithms for unconfined combustion
events into a single program that has been validated by real world testing. This model is ideal for understanding open burning or open detonation of explosives and propellants, rocket motor
firings, or accidental fires.
EDE has provided modeling services for NASA's Space Shuttle Booster, disposal of Pershing missile motors under the INF Treaty, as well as numerous RCRA subpart X permits and risk assessments for
human health and environmental impact. EDE has also modeled air emissions from accidental spills/fires and processes involving hazardous chemicals.